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img-xpm(n) 2.0 Img 2.0 Reference Manual "Img"


img-xpm - X Windows Pixmap Format (xpm)

Table Of Contents


  • package require img::xpm ?2.0?


package require img::xpm

Like all packages of Img it does not provide new commands, but extends the existing Tk command image, so that it supports files containing raster images in the X Windows Pixmap Format (xpm). More specifically img::xpm extends Tk's photo image type.

The name of the new format handler is xpm. This handler provides new additional configuration options. See section Options for more detailed explanations.

All of the above means that in a call like

image create photo ?name? ?options?
  1. Image data in xpm format (options -data and -file) is detected automatically.

  2. The format name xpm is recognized by the option -format.

In addition the value of option -format is treated as a list and may contain any of the special options listed in section Options.

The package img::xpm is a sub-package of Img. It can be loaded as a part of the complete Img support, via package require Img, or on its own, via package require img::xpm.


The handler provides the following options:

-verbose bool

This option is supported for reading and writing. Available since version 2.0.

If set to true, additional information about the read or written image is printed to stdout. Default is false.

See Also

img, img-bmp, img-dted, img-flir, img-gif, img-ico, img-jpeg, img-pcx, img-pixmap, img-png, img-ppm, img-ps, img-raw, img-sgi, img-sun, img-tga, img-tiff, img-window, img-xbm, img-xpm