
Img is a collection of format handlers for the Tk photo image type.

Newest releases:
2024/09/30: Version 1.4.17
2024/12/08: Version 2.0.1

The following format handlers are currently available:

Format Description
BMP Windows bitmap format
DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data format
FLIR FLIR FPF Public Image format
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
ICO Windows icon format
JPEG Joint Picture Experts Group format
PCX Paintbrush format
PIXMAP Pixmap image type
PNG Portable Network Graphics format
PPM Portable pixmap format
PS Postscript and PDF format
RAW Raw data format
SGI Silicon Graphics format
SUN Sun raster format
TGA Truevision Targa format
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
WINDOW Tk window as photo image
XBM X Windows Bitmap format
XPM X Windows Pixmap format

Img is developed by Jan Nijtmans, Andreas Kupries and Paul Obermeier and distributed under the 3-clause BSD license.